Achieving Productivity: Lessons from Feel Good Productivity

Achieving Productivity: Lessons from Feel Good Productivity

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In today’s fast-paced world, achieving productivity is essential for success. In this blog, we will delve into lessons learned from the Feel Good Productivity program. The program, created by a world-renowned productivity expert, provides valuable insights and strategies to help individuals enhance their productivity and reach their goals effectively.


When it comes to achieving productivity, it’s essential to energize yourself and stay motivated throughout the process. Here are some strategies to help you stay energized and focused:

1. Overcoming Fears

Face your fears head-on to avoid letting them hold you back from reaching your goals.

2. Sustain Success

Once you have achieved success, make sure to sustain it by implementing strategies to keep the momentum going.

Remember, productivity is not just about completing tasks, but enjoying the process as well. By finding joy in your work, you can stay motivated and energized to reach your goals.

Take inspiration from the world-renowned productivity expert, Abdal, who suggests the following tips:

  1. Enjoy the process, not just the end result.
  2. Focus on the process rather than the outcome.

By enjoying the journey and focusing on the process, you can maintain your motivation and energy levels to achieve success.

Enjoy the Process

Enjoying the process is crucial for maintaining motivation and energy levels to achieve success. Here are some tips to help you find joy in your work:

Finding Joy in Work

By focusing on the process rather than just the end result, you can appreciate the journey towards your goals.

Staying Motivated

Take inspiration from successful individuals like Alberto, a climber who enjoyed the process of climbing and found motivation in the journey.

Embracing Challenges

Challenge yourself to find joy in every aspect of your work, even the mundane tasks, by making small changes that can have a significant impact on your motivation.

Remember, enjoying the process is key to staying energized and motivated to reach your full potential.

Focus on Owning the Process

When it comes to achieving productivity, it’s crucial to take ownership of the process. By focusing on owning the process, you can effectively enhance your productivity and reach your goals. Here are some key strategies to help you take control and own the process:

1. Take Responsibility

Understand that you are in charge of your work and the outcomes. Take responsibility for the tasks at hand and make decisions that align with your goals.

2. Embrace Challenges

View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace difficult tasks and obstacles as a chance to improve and develop new skills.

3. Stay Committed

Commit to the process and stay dedicated to your goals. Consistency and perseverance are key to achieving productivity and success.

4. Seek Feedback

Be open to receiving feedback and constructive criticism. Use feedback as a tool to improve your process and enhance your productivity.

5. Adapt and Evolve

Be willing to adapt to changes and evolve your process as needed. Flexibility is essential in owning the process and making necessary adjustments for better outcomes.

By focusing on owning the process, you can take control of your productivity journey and make significant strides towards reaching your full potential.

Ask for Help

When facing challenges, do not hesitate to ask for help. Seeking assistance can provide valuable insights and support to overcome obstacles and enhance productivity. Here are some tips on how to effectively ask for help:

1. Be Open to Assistance

Understand that asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Be open to receiving support from others.

2. Seek Guidance

Reach out to mentors, colleagues, or experts for guidance and advice on how to approach difficult situations.

3. Collaborate with Others

Work together with others to brainstorm solutions and tackle challenges collectively. Collaboration can lead to innovative ideas and effective problem-solving.

4. Express Appreciation

Thank individuals who offer their help and support. Expressing gratitude fosters positive relationships and encourages continued assistance.

5. Be Specific in Your Requests

Clearly communicate what type of help you need and provide specific details to ensure others understand how they can assist you.

Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength and resourcefulness. Embrace the support available to you and leverage it to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.


When it comes to overcoming obstacles and staying productive, it’s important to unblock yourself and keep moving forward. Here are some strategies to help you unblock and continue on your productivity journey:

1. Keep Moving Forward

Don’t let obstacles hold you back. Keep pushing forward and stay focused on your goals.

2. Embrace Failure

View failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Embracing failure can lead to new insights and innovative solutions.

3. Stay Persistent

Persistence is key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. Stay committed to your goals and keep moving forward, no matter the challenges you face.

4. Seek Inspiration

Find inspiration from successful individuals or stories to motivate yourself and stay on track. Surround yourself with positivity and encouragement.

5. Reflect and Learn

Take time to reflect on your setbacks and learn from them. Use each obstacle as a learning opportunity to improve and grow.

By unblocking yourself and staying resilient in the face of challenges, you can continue on your productivity journey and reach new heights of success.

Use Commander’s Intent

When implementing a plan or program, it is crucial to use the Commander’s Intent to guide your actions and decision-making. By understanding the purpose behind the plan and having a clear goal, you can ensure that every action aligns with the overall objective. Here are some key takeaways on using Commander’s Intent effectively:

Plan with Purpose

Before starting any task or project, ask yourself the impact it will have and how it aligns with the goal you are trying to achieve.

Ask Purposeful Questions

By questioning the why behind what you are doing, you can ensure that every action has a specific purpose and contributes to the overall success of the project.

Visualize the Outcome

Imagine the end result of your actions and decisions. Visualizing success can help you stay motivated and focused on the goal.

Stay Committed to the Goal

Once you have determined the Commander’s Intent, stay dedicated to achieving the goal. Consistency and perseverance are key to success.

Adapt and Overcome

Be flexible in your approach and willing to make adjustments as needed. Adapting to challenges and changes can help you navigate obstacles and reach your desired outcome.

Adopt the 10/10/10 Rule

When it comes to making decisions and managing your time effectively, adopting the 10/10/10 Rule can be a game-changer. This rule, popularized by Suzy Welch, focuses on considering the consequences of your decisions in the short-term, medium-term, and long-term. By following this rule, you can make more informed choices and prioritize tasks efficiently.

Short-Term Impact (10 Minutes)

Consider how your decision will impact you in the immediate future. Will it provide a quick solution, or will it create more problems down the line?

Medium-Term Impact (10 Months)

Think about how your decision will affect you in the medium-term. Will it help you progress towards your goals, or will it hinder your growth and development?

Long-Term Impact (10 Years)

Reflect on the long-term consequences of your decision. Will it align with your long-term vision and aspirations, or will it steer you off course from achieving your dreams?

By applying the 10/10/10 Rule to your decision-making process, you can gain clarity, avoid impulsive choices, and ensure that your actions are in alignment with your goals and values.


When it comes to maintaining productivity and reaching your goals, it’s crucial to sustain your progress and keep moving forward. Here are some key strategies to help you sustain your productivity journey:

Consistency is Key

Consistently working towards your goals, even on challenging days, can help you maintain momentum and make steady progress.

Celebrate Small Wins

Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements along the way to stay motivated and inspired to continue your journey.

Stay Organized

Organize your tasks and priorities to ensure you stay focused and on track towards reaching your goals effectively.

Set Realistic Expectations

Avoid burnout by setting realistic expectations for yourself and allowing time for rest and relaxation to maintain your energy levels.

Reflect and Adjust

Regularly reflect on your progress, identify areas for improvement, and make adjustments to your strategies as needed to keep moving forward.

By implementing these strategies, you can sustain your productivity levels and continue making progress towards your desired outcomes.

Conserve Energy

Conserving energy is crucial for maintaining productivity and reaching your goals effectively. By implementing energy-saving strategies, you can stay focused and motivated throughout your journey. Here are some tips to help you conserve energy:

1. Prioritize Tasks

Focus on high-priority tasks first to ensure you allocate your energy efficiently and tackle important items promptly.

2. Take Breaks

Regular breaks can help recharge your energy levels and prevent burnout. Schedule short breaks throughout your workday to stay refreshed and focused.

3. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is essential for maintaining energy levels and cognitive function. Stay hydrated to keep your mind sharp and alert.

4. Get Adequate Rest

Prioritize sleep and rest to ensure your body and mind are fully recharged. A well-rested individual is more productive and focused.

5. Manage Stress

Stress can drain your energy and impact your productivity. Implement stress management techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness to stay calm and focused.

6. Optimize Your Environment

Create a workspace that is conducive to productivity and energy conservation. Ensure proper lighting, ventilation, and ergonomics to enhance your focus and efficiency.

By conserving energy and prioritizing self-care, you can maintain peak productivity levels and achieve your goals with ease.

Keep Recharging Energy

Conserving energy is essential for maintaining productivity and reaching your goals effectively. By implementing energy-saving strategies, you can stay focused and motivated throughout your journey. Here are some tips to help you keep recharging your energy:

Prioritize Self-Care

Take care of your physical and mental well-being to ensure you have the energy to tackle tasks effectively.

Stay Active

Engage in regular physical activity to boost your energy levels and improve your overall well-being.

Eat Healthily

Fuel your body with nutritious foods that provide sustained energy throughout the day.

Practice Mindfulness

Take breaks to practice mindfulness and recharge your mental energy for increased focus and productivity.

Set Boundaries

Establish boundaries to prevent burnout and conserve your energy for tasks that matter most.

By prioritizing self-care and implementing energy-saving strategies, you can maintain peak productivity levels and achieve your goals with ease.


Productivity is not just about completing tasks, but enjoying the process as well. By finding joy in your work, you can stay motivated and energized to reach your goals effectively. Here are key takeaways from the Feel Good Productivity program:

  • Face your fears head-on to avoid letting them hold you back.
  • Enjoy the journey and focus on the process rather than the outcome.
  • Take ownership of the process by being responsible, embracing challenges, and seeking feedback.
  • Ask for help when needed and collaborate with others to overcome obstacles.
  • Unblock yourself by staying persistent, embracing failure, and seeking inspiration.
  • Implement Commander’s Intent to guide your actions and decision-making effectively.
  • Adopt the 10/10/10 Rule to make informed decisions and prioritize tasks efficiently.
  • Sustain your productivity by staying consistent, celebrating small wins, and reflecting on your progress.
  • Conserve energy by prioritizing tasks, taking breaks, staying hydrated, and managing stress.
  • Keep recharging your energy by prioritizing self-care, staying active, eating healthily, practicing mindfulness, and setting boundaries.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can enhance your productivity, maintain motivation, and achieve success in both your personal and professional endeavors. Remember, enjoying the process is key to unlocking your full potential and reaching new heights of productivity.


Here are some commonly asked questions about achieving productivity and lessons from Feel Good Productivity:

What is the key to staying motivated?

The key to staying motivated is finding joy in your work and focusing on the process rather than just the end result.

How can I overcome fears that hold me back?

To overcome fears, face them head-on and do not let them hinder you from reaching your goals.

Why is asking for help important?

Asking for help provides valuable insights and support to overcome obstacles and enhance productivity effectively.

How can I sustain my productivity levels?

To sustain productivity, celebrate small wins, stay organized, set realistic expectations, and regularly reflect and adjust your strategies.

What are some strategies to conserve energy?

To conserve energy, prioritize tasks, take breaks, stay hydrated, get adequate rest, manage stress, and optimize your workspace.

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